Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Kurt Vonnegut and City News Bureau Free Essays

1. In what year was Vonnegut conceived? Vonnegut was conceived in 1922. 2. We will compose a custom paper test on Kurt Vonnegut and City News Bureau or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now What two schools did he join in? He went to Cornell University. The military sent him to the Carnegie Institute of Technology (presently Carnegie Mellon University) and the University of Tennessee to contemplate mechanical building. 3. Despite the fact that Vonnegut prepared as a scientific expert, what accomplished he fill in as? He functioned as an instructor at the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. 4. What was his position at the City News Bureau of Chicago? He was the relating legal at the City News Bureau of Chicago. 5. Which of his books, in view of his encounters as a wartime captive during War World II in Germany, made him a mogul? Slaughterhouse-Five, a post-current enemy of war sci-fi novel managing a soldier’s (Billy Pilgrim). Additionally encounters during World War II and his excursions with time travel. 6. In what kind did Vonnegut regularly compose? Vonnegut’s experience as a fighter and captive impacted his work, as should be obvious in the majority of his books. Section 2: 1. How are George and Hazel Bergeron depicted? What kind of life do they lead? There’s no physical portrayal, it’s recently said that â€Å"Hazel has a totally normal insight, which implied she can’t consider anything with the exception of in short bursts†. What's more, George is said to have an insight path better than average, however he has a little mental debilitation radio in his ear. â€Å"He is legally necessary to wear it consistently. It’s tuned to an administration transmitter. At regular intervals or thereabouts, the transmitter will convey some sharp commotion to maintain individuals like George from exploiting their minds. † They carry on with a straightforward normal life, similar to every other person in 2081! 2. What is the importance of the final expressions of the Bergeron’s, â€Å"that one was a doozy†? Ponder the clamor in the ears of her significant other, which means this one the sound was â€Å"extraordinaire†, inconceivable! The clamor in George’s ears is made so horre ndous with the goal that he won’t have the option to focus on his child’s demise, and when Hazel let him know after that â€Å"Gee †I could tell that one was a doozy,† he answers â€Å"You can say that again†. Be that as it may, she doesn’t see, so she thinks he needs her to rehash it, so she does! 3. In actuality, what ways do we attempt to make individuals equivalent? Accomplishes it work to make individuals equivalent, or just to make them the same? For what reason do you think we utilize these strategies? Is it accurate to say that they are compelling? By going to class for instance, just so individuals can have equivalent possibilities throughout everyday life. With respect to physical blemishes and flaws, there’s consistently plastic medical procedure! Be that as it may, it’s of no utilization! I my conclusion, I think it just assists individuals with feeling good, just by accepting that so they can be much the same as every other person, what with all the ladies ready to resemble their most loved actress†¦ It doesn’t help by any stretch of the imagination, and in the opposite it can just make one individuals sub-par compared to the individual he need to duplicate! . Think about the characters of Hazel and George. Why isn’t Hazel impaired? It’s evident that Hazel isn’t crippled in light of the fac t that she is now brought into the world impaired, so there’s no compelling reason to debilitate her in a fake manner simply like her better half! What's more, I feel that notwithstanding the impairment stuff he is obliged to wear, George would have hitched her in any case! 5. How much do TV, radio, and the broad communications for the most part work like George’s mental debilitation radio? | I feel that administrations utilize every one of these stuffs to keep us from truly look under the outside of what they do! Ordinary we’re so suffocated over such huge numbers of TV appears, there’s continually something new to see on web, something to download, and the radio is ceaselessly working, by what method can one truly focus on what is significant with these endless stuffs? How might one think appropriately? Furthermore, you’re said you should find out additional, you should work more earnestly to accomplish your objectives and carry on with a decent life, however then life is cruising by, and you can’t even benefit of it while you’re still youthful. One day you wake up, and you’re old! Also, it’s past the point of no return. The most effective method to refer to Kurt Vonnegut and City News Bureau, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Traffic and Urban Congestion 1955

Traffic and Urban Congestion: 1955-1970 Essay In 1960, Great Britain despite everything had no urban roads. Be that as it may, with the responsibility for vehicles getting perpetually normal, the issue of clog in British urban areas was unavoidable. Exploring the conceivable outcomes of interstates as alleviators of huge city roads turned parking lots, the administration supported Buchanan Report was skeptical: the examination shows the entirely considerable potential develop of traffic as vehicular proprietorship and use increment to the greatest. The settlement of the maximum capacity is in all likelihood past any commonsense chance of being figured it out. There is along these lines no getting away from the need to consider to what degree and by what implies the maximum capacity is to be curtailed.1. We will compose a custom paper on Traffic and Urban Congestion: 1955-1970 explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now In the decades going before this examination, Americans confronted a lot of a similar issue with transportation in their urban communities. Be that as it may, the American arrangement for managing urban blockage in the vehicle age was altogether different. In 1954, President Eisenhower recommended that metropolitan territory blockage be fathomed by an amazing arrangement for an appropriately verbalized interstate framework. In 1956, the House Committee on Public Works asked extraordinary advances, cautioning that in any case automobile overloads will before long deteriorate our developing economy.2. Going up against the equivalent problemurban traffic congestionthe British and the American governments reacted with fundamentally various arrangements. In Britain, clog in urban areas was comprehended to mean an abundance of vehicles entering urban areas. The issue, to British organizers, was to decrease relative dependence on the private vehicle so as to permit better development of traffic. However, in the U.S., organizers deciphered blockage as a sign that streets were insufficient and needing improvement. Even with congested roads, the British would in general say, such a large number of vehicles! while the Americans would state, deficient roads!U.S. urban transportation strategy was formed by this propensity, from its sources during the 1940s until the mid 1960s. This paper makes a twin contention. Initially, the manner by which U.S. urban transportation arrangement was defined during the 1940s and 1950s blocked the British arrangement. Despite the overall benefits of the Briti sh and American methodologies, disheartening the utilization of the vehicle was impossible American strategy producers could consider. The American political culture could consider enormous scope residential tasks just with the collaboration of the private segment, and in the U.S. this implied generally car intrigue gatherings. The subsequent point is that American urban transportation strategy withdrew from this situation during the 1960s. By the 1970s U.S. arrangement was considerably more like Great Britains. In 1975, official Department of Transportation strategy perceived the car as a significant supporter of . . . clog, and it encouraged State and neighborhood networks to reconsider a portion of the roadway arranging previously done as such as to decide whether a specific thruway despite everything offers the best transportation alternative.3. In any case, American urban communities had just been relying upon an interstate based transportation framework by the mid 1960s, and t he settled car pattern was irreversable. The volume of engine vehicle traffic in U.S. urban areas in 1970 was more than more than multiple times what it had been in 1950, while the quantity of travelers carried on urban rail frameworks had fallen by 66%. City transport ridership was somewhere near half over a similar period. The foundation of the turnpike as the essential transportation framework in American citiesand of the private car as the essential modewas a cultivated actuality by the late 1960s.4. The strategy changes started in the mid 1960s came past the point where it is possible to change the overwhelmingly vehicle based urban transportation framework. One can prevent the criticalness from claiming the change on the grounds of its lateness. In any case, a significant inquiry stays unanswered: for what reason did government transportation arrangement turn around itself and inclination a reevaluating of arranged interstate tasks? How did organizers get from the insuf-ficient streets understanding of clog to the such a large number of vehicles perspective?This exposition recommends a few clarifications. To a limited extent, the inadequate streets see, when actualized, involved its own destruction. Advertisers of urban roadways recognized that radical advances were important to permit moderately free development of autos in urban communities. These means, to be sufficiently extreme to work, additionally must be sufficiently exceptional to make debate and resistance where littl e or none had existed previously. On the off chance that, as New Yorks extraordinary street manufacturer, Robert Moses, recommended, organizers would need to hack their way with a meat hatchet to fabricate interstates in urban communities, at that point they could anticipate that thruway adversaries should turn out to be similarly solid in their opposition.5. After a lot of hacking, nearby resistance, legitimate limitations, and court choices dulled the axs edge. .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 , .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 .postImageUrl , .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 , .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7:hover , .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7:visited , .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7:active { border:0!important; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7:active , .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7:hover { obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6 b17c4e80bcb28c4a7 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u60cdc5dc4ad68d6b17c4e80bcb28c4a7:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Islamic Architecture Analysis EssaySecond, the decentralized association of the U.S. political framework permitted numerous purposes of access to approach making gatherings for bunches restricting explicit expressway ventures, bunches contradicting the interstate based urban transportation strategy, and gatherings advancing different types of urban travel. As ahead of schedule as 1959, San Franciscos regional government, under tension from its residents, restricted interstate undertakings inside its city limits. All through the 1960s and into the 1970s, different urban areas followed San Franciscos lead, battling ventures that we re politically threatening.6. There is little record of state-level resistance to ventures, however this is reasonable taking into account the elevated level of state power over parkway arranging. At the government level, from which most urban roadway cash came, unique plans, (for example, help to mass travel, interstate beautification, and expanded migration help to inhabitants uprooted by parkway ventures) just as through and through restriction to thruways with respect to various conspicuous congressmen and representatives, served to debilitate the first expressways just bureaucratic urban transportation arrangement of the 1950s. Additionally essential to the change was the expanding protection of government transportation policymaking during the 1960s from the intrigue bunches which had for all intents and purposes controlled it during the 1950s. At the point when Eisenhower and Congress collaborated to make a very much supported government urban transportation approach, they asked private street building interests to work out the subtleties. Eisenhowers hesitance to grow the government administration required such a move. There was no government office concerned explicitly with urban transportation. The administrations parkway agencythe Bureau of Public Roadshistorically worried about country streets, leaving urban courses to city governments. The BPR was underfunded thus it also turned to the counsel of industry. Expressway ventures in this manner had a case to ability that no administration office could dispute.7. Throughout the 1960s this circumstance changed impressively. With the finish of official branch hesitance to grow the organization, the national government started to make its own instruments of transportation policymaking, autonomous of industry. In 1966, the as of late made government transportation offices were united in the new Department of Transportation. With its directors capable to the president and with its own in-house mastery, the Department was protected from the impact of interstate industry. The downfall of the thruways just strategy stemmed likewise from genuine imperfections in the arrangement itself. From the finish of World War Two, the central government started a noteworthy mediation in urban transportation, one which had increment

Friday, August 21, 2020

Indirect free kick Essay Example for Free

Backhanded free kick Essay There are fouls and offense occur during and some of the time after the match in football. At the point when a player kicks or endeavors to kick another adversary is one of the offenses, anyway there are different methods for make an offense and that’s by stumbling a rival which can be utilized by utilizing your hands to toss them down, utilizing the legs which is a typical one, nonetheless, it is likewise an offense to simply remain before them or behind them. There are more offenses and they are seizing a rival, charging them in a rough or in risky way, charging them from behind utilizing boot feet, endeavoring or striking to strike at the rival, holding and pushing a rival lastly it is likewise an offense to deal with the ball for instance conveying it, striking it or utilizing their hand or arm which is then followed up by giving the other group a backhanded free kick. At the point when a player has the ball and he makes a back go to his goalkeeper straightforwardly, and the goalkeeper holds the ball with his hands or has any contact with his hand then the other group will be remunerated with a circuitous free kick. This standard was set up it as of late in 1992 which was done in light of the fact that it prevented the goalkeeper from sitting around idly and holding the ball from chances to the next group and by additionally claiming the ball with the hands. This additionally prevented the goalkeeper from having over 6 seconds breaking point of goalkeeper ownership. Another purpose behind this standard to be set up was on the grounds that it made the games all the more fascinating and less exhausting. All together for a group to score an objective, the entire ball ignores the objective line, in the middle of the goal lines and under the crossbar. As should be obvious in the image to one side, it shows that the entire ball needs to pass in any case regardless of whether it’s contacting the line a smidgen; it’s considered as play on with no objective. There have been some ongoing changes in football on the grounds that a ton of times the official is accused for not settling on the correct choice about the ball going in or not all that consequently FA has presented another ref which is called an associate arbitrator and his responsibility is to remain on the objective line to ensure and have a superior perspective on the ball going in or not. They have done this since it ruins the reasonable play between the groups particularly when the games are significant. All together for a group to dominate a game, the group must have a larger number of objectives than the other group and in the event that it winds up being equivalent, at that point the game finishes as a draw which implies neither of the groups won. In certain games there may be additional time given since one group needs to win so along these lines they play with extra time. A objective can be scored from anyplace on the play, from any individual who is playing and that incorporated the goalkeeper as well. Objectives are likewise scored from punishments and free kicks. Anyway an objective can't be scored straightforwardly from a toss in so accordingly it must be moved by another person after the toss so as to score an objective. An objective can't be tallied if the ref has not blown his whistle for the game to restart. Another way an objective can't be scored is on the off chance that you are taking an aberrant free kick in light of the fact that it’s backhanded so in this way the ball must be passed to somebody in your group and afterward you can score.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Appropriate Drinking Age - Free Essay Example

Each year, approximately 5,000 teens under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; including 1,900 deaths from car crashes, 1,600 from homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (Underage Drinking). Alcohol is the leading factor in several deaths by teens per year, revealing just how difficult finding the perfect age of responsibility is. As new information is being revealed to us, it is clear the dangers of alcohol can be devastating in young peoples lives. Lowering the drinking age, as well as raising it, both have their benefits and drawbacks. Although the new brain research reveals that the brain isnt fully developed until age 25, the current drinking age should remain the same. During July of 1984, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act was signed into the law, making all states prohibit people under the age of 21 from buying and having public access to alcohol. Before this Act was passed, the United States had various drinking ages, ranging from 18-21. Several groups are still suggesting that the drinking age should be readjusted to the age of 18. Jack McCardell, a former president of Middlebury College in Vermont, believes that the wait involving the drinking age is counterproductive. The laws surrounding the current drinking age are ineffective and unenforceable (Greenblatt 153), and are only leading teens to unsafe drinking. With several other laws being enforced around age 18, is the current drinking age out of step with social and cultural reality (153)? On the other hand, advocates suggesting we keep the law explain that lowering the drinking age would be disastrous (153). Lowering it to 18 would further push down the drinking problem to 16 and 17 ye ar olds. Not only will lowering the drinking age cause more problems, but a new argument, not normally heard from by courts, has been expressed. A shocking new study has found that your brain isnt fully developed until age 25 (Greenblatt 5). This raises concerns to many people. By allowing 18 year olds to legally drink would only be stunting their brain growth, and putting them in serious danger for their futures. People promoting the decrease in the drinking age are only risking the lives of thousands of teens. Although reducing the drinking age has its advantages and disadvantages, this is only one side of the debate. Another considerable argument is to raise the drinking age to 25. With the brain research, which came as a shock to many, has had a great influence in the difficulty of finding the perfect drinking age. As scientists use advanced technology, they now have a better understanding of how the brain works. The prefrontal cortex, which has links to other areas of your brain, develops later than anybody had realized. These areas of the brain are the seat of executive decision making†the parts of the brain that allow people to think through likely consequences of an action, weigh the risks and benefits and stop themselves from acting on impulse. In other words, the stuff that makes you a mature person (5). By raising the drinking age to 25, it could allow teens to further mature, perhaps even resulting in less disasters caused by alcohol. Although, raising the age to 25 would also be a difficult task to achieve. The age has been set at 21 for several decades, and enforcing teens to wait until this age to start drinking has been a struggle. What makes people think that raising it to 25 would have any different outcome? Would it just lead to more drinking behind closed doors, causing more safety issues? As the search for the perfect drinking age continues, we see just how difficult it can be. With several different factors resulting in the complexity of this issue, including the brain research and various opinions from professionals, each has a major effect on the outcome. By lowering the drinking age, we will be jeopardizing the safety of teens in the United States, as well as worrying if they are mature enough to handle the responsibility. However, by raising the drinking age, enforcement will be an issue, in addition to it being unrealistic. Having the current drinking age remain at 21 is the best choice for keeping teens safe. With it being linked to less alcohol induced accidents and a decrease in teen deaths, it is clear that the current drinking age is set at an appropriate standard.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Comparison Between Edgar Allan Poe and Vincent Van Gogh - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1117 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/06/26 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Edgar Allan Poe Essay Did you like this example? Edgar Allan Poes life he had faced many problems which led him to express his problems through his writings and work. Vincent Van Gogh is also similar to Edgar, as they both had many personal problems in their life, but Gogh was a painter and Poe was a writer. Both Edgar and Vincent had mental health problems and was advised to get help with it but neither of them did. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Comparison Between Edgar Allan Poe and Vincent Van Gogh" essay for you Create order Edgar Allan Poe and Vincent Van Gogh both used their work as a way to deal with all the issues in their life, such as their depression, loneliness and mental problems. Edgar Allan Poe had a rough life through his childhood because he never really knew his parents. He had a lot of problems about feeling like he was worthless. His dad left the family before he could even really know him, and his mother died of tuberculosis at the age three. After the death of his mother, he was split from his brother where he moved to Richmond, Virginia with a foster home. Around thistime Edgar was 13 he was already a talented writer, but his foster father wanted him to take over the family business and discouraged the idea of being a writer. While, he was growing up he was poor and financially unstable and Poe wanted to go to college to pursue his dreams. In 1826, Poe attended the University of Virginia were Edgar was a spectacular student in his class. Despite his excellent performance in the classro om he was unable to graduate as he couldnt afforded the cost of college anymore and had to drop out. Because of all the debt Poe was in he decided he would start to gamble to try to get the money to pay back UVA, but he eventually got into more debt as result. After realizing how much trouble he had gotten into with gambling, he had to go back home only to find out that his fiance was leaving him. While he was gone she had gotten engaged to another man which left him heartbroken and he decided to move to Boston because he had nothing else where he lived. After dropping out and moving he published his first writing while enrolling in the army. A few years later while still being enrolled in the army Edgar discovered that his ex was dying of tuberculosis. He traveled back to Virginia to mourn his exs death but to also attend West Point. Poe was a great student but was kicked out for not doing his duties right. After being kicked out Edgar Allan Poe began writing a lot more and started to become a popular artist. He didnt care about the fame though, as his writings were more of asking for help than for just w riting. Before anyone could help him he died on October 7th, 1849 to congestion of the brain. Vincent van Gogh, just like Edgar Allan Poe, suffered through many things in his life which caused him to become mentally and emotionally unstable. Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30th, 1853 in Groot-Zundert, Netherlands. His family was poor and was unable to provide for him by the time he was 15, so he had to drop out of school and work for his Uncles art dealership to contribute to his familys financial struggles. Gogh eventually switched jobs a few years later and moved to London. During his time in London Gogh fell in love with English culture and during his free time he would visit the local art galleries; in particular he was fascinated with Charles Dickerson and George Eliot and wanted to become like them. Vincent also thought he had found the love of his life, the landladys daughter. He thought they would go on to get married, but when he proposed she rejected him and left him with a broken heart. After that he gave up most things in life and devoted his life to God. Gogh decided to preach, but during his tenure as a preacher, he was fired at two churches due to talking bad about the Latin language. The time had finally come to him to realize he wanted to be an artist, so he moved to the Brussels to pursue his dream. Just after a couple paintings, he had become one of the best painters in the business. No matter how famous he had gotten, it couldnt stop his physical illness, and because of that he started drinking turpentine and eating paint. Goghs brother found out about his condition but Gogh wouldnt let him help. Sometime later, Gogh went out to paint but also brought a pistol with him, where he shot himself in the chest. Surprisingly he didnt die that day, but two days later when he died in the hospital. Edgar Allan Poe showed how much help he needed in his writings, as in the Tell-tale Heart he talked about creeping on an old man and killing him in the house. In the writing he killed him because the old man was playing games with his mind which shows how Poes head was really working. Vincent van Gogh doesnt show his pain through his paintings, they are more of the setting he is in. One of his famous paintings is The Yellow House Gogh is painting a painting of his new house and the stores and friends around him. Another one of Goghs famous paintings is where he painted a picture of his bedroom to show his sister, the name of the painting is The Bedroom. Vincent van Gogh and Edgar Allen Poe were in different times but resembled a lot of each other. Both artists had childhood that impacted them further in their lives. They battled mental illness as both of them were messed up due to childhood memories. Gogh and Poe both had poor families and had passions for becoming artists that their families didnt care about. They both fell in love at an early age and ended up gotten heartbroken, which left them depressed and angry and only made their mental illness worse. Because of all the trials in their life, they were pushed offed the edge. Gogh couldnt take the pain and started to torture his body, and Poe wrote about murdering people. Vincent van Gogh ended up being one of the greatest painters in history and the same for Edgar Allan Poe with writing and poems. Its a shame their lives were shortened due to mental illness. They both faced childhood problems and heartbreak that caused them to do things that a normal person wouldnt do. They are still great artists, and will always be remembered as two of the best artists of their time.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effects of Media Violence on Children and the Youth

MEDIA AND THE YOUTH What has the humanity come too lately? It repeatedly seems as everywhere one looks, hostility rears its hideous head. We witness it on the streets, school, college, shopping malls and even at home. The very last of these is a key basis of violence. In numerous peoples living rooms there resides a channel for violence that frequently goes unobserved. It is the media, and the individuals who view it are frequently drawn into its realistic planet of violent graphics with sometimes disturbing consequences. A large amount of research has been conducting into presenting why children are so enthralled by this big glowing box and thà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ action that takà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢s placà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ within it. The data gathered through this research reveals that it is absolutely a key source of violent behavior in children. Thà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ rà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢sà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢arch provà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢s timà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ and timà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ again that aggrà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ssion and tà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢là ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢visi on vià ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢wing do go hand in hand. The reality about media violence and children has been revealed. A few are striving hard to fight this dilemma. Others are overlooking it and hoping it will go away. And then there are other who are totally heedless of this problem. Nevertheless, the facts are irrefutable. Thà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ rà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢sà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢arch has bà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢Ã  ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢n carrià ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢d out and all thà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ rà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢sults point to onà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ conclusion: Mà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢dia violà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ncà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ causà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢s childrà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢n to bà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ violà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢nt and thà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ à ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ffà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢cts can bà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ lifà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢-long. The facts cannot be left unheeded. Violent media doà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢s affà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢ct childrà ¸ °Ã  ¸â€¢n. The outcomes have been witnessed inShow MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On The Youth Of America1454 Words   |  6 PagesMedia in the United States has a prominent r ole on the youth of America. A majority of children and young adults have access to internet, television, radio, newspapers, and video games practically any time they want. The violence in media, along with the availability of media are increasing, however the most predominant form of media for children is video games. Because of this, many are concerned with the effects on the youth. The violence in video games is a cause for aggressive emotions, thoughtsRead MoreEssay about Media Violence1541 Words   |  7 PagesViolence has been a contributing negative factor to society throughout history. Many researchers believe that the use of violent media, particularly video games, play a huge role in the downward trend of behavior and attitude of youth, and that this behavior continues to spiral out of control. However, other researchers believe that since violence has been occurring since the beginning of time, that adolescence are as capable today of violence, as they were a thousand years ago. ResearchRead MoreMedia Violence and Its Effect on Children Essay1112 Words   |  5 Pagessociety that violence in the country is on the rise. It is easy to see why this is a strong argument among the American people, especially because of the rising popularity of violent video games and television programs. However, as these violent video games and television shows are creating their own place in our society, the reports of violence among children are escalating. This correlation has been studied extensively in the scientific community in an attempt to discover whether media violence does negativelyRead MoreTelevision Is Destroying Todays Youth, but Dont Blame T.V., Blame the Parents.1302 Words   |  6 PagesAmericas favorite source of entertainment. As society has changed, violence and sexual content have been added ever so increasingly over the years. After all, isnt that what makes T.V. shows interesting? Isnt that why we all want to go see that new mo vie that came out which is rated R instead of that movie rated PG? Although this violence and sexual content on television and in movies is having devastating effects on Americas youth, you cannot blame television. Instead, we must blame our parentsRead MoreViolent Media And The Aggressive Generation1116 Words   |  5 PagesMatthew Taylor Ms. Cowburn AP Language 12 June 2017 Violent Media and The Aggressive Generation It Has Established The creation of visual and active forms of media has caused debate and discussion over the effects it has on the brain. The effects of media on the brain are of concern regarding children specifically, as their minds are still developing. Questions of the severity and impact have intrigued parents, scientists, and lawmakers. The first committee on this issue, the Surgeon GeneralsRead More Children, Media, and Violence Essay1431 Words   |  6 PagesTo argue against it, the link between media violence and teen violence is like arguing against gravity, said Jeffrey McIntyre, legislative and federal affairs officer for the American Psychological Association. As children are exposed to acts of violence in the media through television, video games, music, movies, etc. alarming results are occurring. The main negative effect being an increase in aggression among youth who are regularly exposed to the media and an increase in violent patterns asRead MoreJuvenile Crime and the Influence of Media Violence1463 Words   |  6 PagesJuvenile Crime and the Influence of Media Violence With several arguments for both sides can we truly determine if there is only one main role in juvenile crime? There are many statistics that show there is a higher aggression level formed in people who watched a great deal of violent television or played violent video games as a child. People must begin to consider that there are several contributors to youth crime and violence. Youth crime is often fueled by media violence and can depend on how a personRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Violence1345 Words   |  6 Pagesand even specially made devices for babies and children. Video games are interwoven with our daily lives. For many, it is just an innocent way to relax or enjoy themselves. For others, it has become an addiction in which they cannot escape. Not all video games are violent, but what about those that are? Does society have an obligation to monitor every type of video game children and adults play simply because they believe it may lead to acts of violence? Psychologists, Sociologists, AnthropologistRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence In The Media1212 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction With the recent increase in media presence throughout the world, there has also been an increase in violence portrayed through the media. Media violence is believed to be causing aggression in today’s youth and society. This paper will examine the potential reasons on how media violence is causing aggression Review of Literature In a study conducted, media psychologists, mass communication scientists, pediatricians, and parents all completed an anonymous online survey that asked whetherRead MoreEffects Of Media Violence On Society888 Words   |  4 PagesEffects of Media on Society Media violence has numerous negative consequences on youth today to commit criminal acts in the society. Violence in the media will never be stopped as long as the society spends more time on violent movies and video games. Media violence has been tremendously growing and attaining the hazardous extents. Around 60 % of TV shows contain some kind of violence. Most self-involving video games contain some violent matter in it. For example, if you manufacture guns, you do

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

What Jesus Means to Me free essay sample

Jesus†perhaps the most discoursed name in history. He has transformed and influenced many lives including mine. To some people, He was a prophet. To others He is a mere legend. To me, he is a father and a friend, but most of all, He is my Lord and Savior through Justification, sanctification, and redemption. First of all, Jesus is my Savior through Justification. Justification by faith is being attributed by God as righteous, even though we have sinned, and are therefore relieved from guilt and punishment. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that Justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. -Romans 4:5 The two principles of Justification are as follows: the One who has been wronged pronounces the circumstances of Justification, and mans Justification is established on the virtues of Another. God must therefore determine the proceeding of justification, and man cannot stand in the presence of God nor in heaven without Jesus Christ. We will write a custom essay sample on What Jesus Means to Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One elucidation of Justification in the Bible is found in Philemon . When Onesimus, a slave, stole from his master, Philemon, and ran away, Onesimus was placed in prison and charged with crimes that were punishable by death. Perhaps in prison, Onesimus met Paul. As a result of their meeting, Onesimus accepted Jesus as his Savior. Paul then wrote back to Philemon asking him to accept Onesimus as a brother in Christ, and to place whatever wrong Onesimus had done on Pauls account. Second of all, Jesus is my Savior through sanctification. Sanctification is being set apart from the world and being made holy and clean in Gods sight. The two phases of sanctification are the negative phase and the positive phase. The Bible clearly teaches the negative aspect of sanctification. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? -2 Corinthians 6:14 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. I John 2:15 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the orld. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:16-17 The positive aspect of sanctification is found in John. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth that the world may believe. -John 17:19-21 Sanctification is described in three stages in the Bible†the past, present and future. In the past, Sanctification ensues at the precise moment of salvation. In the present, Sanctification advances as we regularly purge ourselves from sin. In the uture, ultimate sanctification occurs as we are saved from the existence of sin as a result of our accommodation to Christs body in heaven. Lastly, Jesus is my Savior through redemption. Redemption is the act of Jesus whereby He died on the cross and rose again on the third day to save us all from sin and eternal damnation in hell. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life -John 3:16 Jesus who was innocent of all crime and wrongdoing, tones and the cat of nine tails. He was mocked cruelly as a crown of thorns was placed on His head and a scarlet robe was positioned around Him. He was then led to the cross to be crucified by the Roman soldiers. Jesus, after years of performing miracles, doing good works, training His disciples, and resisting temptation, suffered and died to cleanse us of our sins. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities: the chas tisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. -Isaiah 55:3 Jesus is our only feasible Savior. No other could Justify, sanctify, and redeem us; for, he was the perfect lamb. He was holy and blameless in the sight of God. Only through his stripes could we be healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. -Isaiah 53:6 Yes, Jesus is a father, a friend, a provider, and a comforter. But most of all, He is my Lord and Savior that died on the cross for my sins to give me eternal life, and an everlasting relationship with Him.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Superman and Me vs. Bodega Dreams Essay Example

Superman and Me vs. Bodega Dreams Paper 1 Makeitha C Mrs. Rogers ENC 1102, 4:05 November 29th, 2011 Culture vs. Education Culture is an essential element that can impact the way a person sees the world and processes information. â€Å"Superman and Me,† by Sherman Alexie and â€Å"Bodega Dreams,† by Ernesto Quinonez, examines the importance of education and the impact it has on cultures. In â€Å"Superman and Me† the narrator tells a story about an Indian boy who teaches himself how to read and write at the age of 3 years. Despite the challenges he was face with living on an Indian Reservation, he remained motivated and interested in gaining more knowledge in reading and writing. Bodega Dreams,† by Ernesto Quinonez the narrator tells a story about two young Latino boys and their experience together in Junior High school. The young boys are in English and Science class together. Although the boys are not motivated about school, there teacher’s (Mr. Blessington and Mr. Tapia) try different me thods to keep them motivated and focus in school. These two stories will debate how culture influences children view point in education. In the story â€Å"Superman and me† the narrator details methods he uses to learn how to recognize a paragraph and picture read using a Superman comic book. The narrator explains how he was very motivated about learning to read and write. The narrator seemed to be a very driven man who knew exactly what he wanted, and was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals. The narrator expresses himself with self-confidence by stating, â€Å"I am smart. I am arrogant. I am lucky. I want to save my life (209-210). † Being an Indian boy who lived on a reservation, he felt many people were expecting him to fail in the non-Indian world and he was determined to prove them wrong. The narrator states, â€Å"I never was taught how to write poetry, short stories, and novels. † â€Å"I don’t recall a guest teacher visiting the reservation (210). 2 The narrator tells how he was enthused about reading and the different methods he used to learn the words. He tells about the many struggles he had to endure because he was different, he was not ashamed to show his intelligence. He explains how his Indian peers were afraid to show their intelligence by not speaking out in class or around other peers. The narrator argues that Indian children are stereotyped as unintelligent failures. We will write a custom essay sample on Superman and Me vs. Bodega Dreams specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Superman and Me vs. Bodega Dreams specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Superman and Me vs. Bodega Dreams specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The issue is the author wants readers to recognize that Indian children were not well educated in reading and writing, they needed to be encouraged to read and write, and exposed to more literature. The Indian children lacked motivation in learning to read and write. They were comfortable with just knowing powwow songs and jokes. The narrator wanted the Indian students to see the importance in reading. He wanted them to understand reading is more than just the reading of words, but a way to survive in the non-Indian world. The narrator states he eventually grew up and became a successful author/writer. He devotes his time working with Indian children and assisting them with reading and writing their own stories. Although the narrator tells about the struggles he had growing up on a reservation knowing how to read and write, he decides to give back to his community. The narrator teaches Indian children creative writing hoping they will change the perception about school and develop confidence and motivation like he did. Ernest Quinonez’s â€Å"Bodega Dreams† the narratora young Latino boytells a story about an experience he had in Junior High school and the kind of relationship he had developed with his Science teacher (Mr. Tapia) and English teacher (Mr. Blessington). In the story the narrator tells how Mr. Tapia and Mr. Blessington interact differently with their students. The narrator explains how Mr. Blessington is not one of his favorite teachers. The narrator states, â€Å"He kept telling us boys were all going to end up in jail and all girls were going to end hooking (167). † The narrator explains how he is bored with listening to the Robert Frost poem in his class. The narrator states, â€Å"He was one of those upper-class people who thinks highly of themselves†¦and have chosen to â€Å"help† poor kids from the ghetto (167). In Science class his teacher, Mr. Tapia, is inspiring to him. The narrator explains how Mr. Tapia encouraged his class to do their work. He felt all his students had the potential to do well. In the story the narrator enjoyed challenging the teacher’s with questions just to get off task. The narrator’s friend (Sapo) had the same classes toge ther. 3 Sapo was very quiet and kept to himself until one day the Mr. Blessington approached him with a question. The narrator claims Sapo did not make an effect in class due to Mr. Blessington negative comments he makes towards him and his peers. Mr. Blessingon was not pleased with Sapo’s attitude. Mr. Blessington and Sapo begin exchanging words which lead them to a heated discussion and a physical altercation. Mr. Blessington lost control and Sapo released anger. In the story Mr. Tapia tried to save Sapo by telling Sapo to lie about the altercation. Sapo did what Mr. Tapia told him to do in order to avoid the detention center. The incident eventually changed Sapo’s persona. The young Latin boy was put in a position to where he lost control and it changed his whole outlook on life. In this story the author argues that a person’s childhood environment often determine his or her character and life path. In the story the narrator provided evidence of how the students had supportive teachers and how their teacher’s encourage the students to be successful. Mr. Tapia and Mr. Blessington exposed their students to a variety of poetry and literature, and allowed them opportunities to complete their work either at home or in school. The stories share common points about the importance of reading and writing. In order for an individual to be successful in school is by making an effort and attempting to do the work. In â€Å"Superman and Me† the Indian boy wanted to be successful by taking matters in his own hands by teaching himself how to read and write. In â€Å"Bodega Dreams† the characters in the story were not interested in learning or doing their assignments, which became a disappointment to their teachers. I think the Indian children have a valid reason to feel conquered by their abilities to learn. Their cultural upbringing can be a factor which often causes them to lose interest in reading and writing. When teachers are working with children it’s important that they are sensitive to the students’ needs, respect each child’s differences and culture, and be more mindful of their position in society. Providing support and positive guidance is the key when working with children and helping them become more involved in school. 4 In closing, these stories have a valid point and will stimulate more readers to think about the importance of culture and education. Stereotyping and prejudice can have a negative effect on children. Adults must remember children are in a vulnerable position. Allowing children to explore and have access to different learning materials will help them gain more knowledge. Respecting different cultures and communicating with children in positive ways will help develop self-confidence and help them have a better outlook on life. 5 Works Cited Alexie, Sherman. â€Å"Superman and Me. † Reading Literature and Writing Argument. 4th ed. Missy James and Alan Merickel. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011. Print Quinonez, Ernest. â€Å"Bodega Dreams. † Reading Literature and Writing Argument. 4th ed. Missy James and Alan Merickel. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011. Print.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Project Management Research Paper Example

Project Management Research Paper Example Project Management Paper Project Management Paper The scenario is a business owner wants to expand the building in which the business in occupying, but the business owner does not know where to start. This is the point where the business owner needs to incorporate project management. To understand project management, the business owner needs to know what a project is, the basic phases of the project life cycle and purpose, and the importance of project management for an organization to accomplish tasks. Once the business owner understands project management, the expansion can begin. Project management does not need to be complex. Taking the time to understand the process will help an organization achieve maximum success. What is a project? Projects are any series of activities or tasks that have a characteristic of possessing a specific objective needing to have accomplishments within certain specifications, possessing a specific start and end date, possessing a budget to keep, uses human and nonhuman resources, and are multifunctional in nature (Kezner, 2009). A project is anything that helps a company improve on its operation, product, or marketing. When one thinks of a project, the words build, move, and non-routine come to mind. Project life cycles A project life cycle is a logical sequence of activities to accomplish a projects objectives or goals. The project life cycle has five major stages that most organizations use: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closure. These stages help a project to stay on time, budget, and within scope. As with most plans, a project must broke down into smaller stages depending on the size, scope, and resources that will be in use during the project. Project initiation A project must start with an idea. Because everyone has a different idea of what can help a company, all the projects must go through a selection process. During the initiation stage, several steps will be accomplished. All the projects will go to management for review and a selection of the best project given resource limits will get approval. The recognition of benefits of the project will also get an approval from management. All preparations of the documents will need to be complete to help get the project approval. The final step is the assignment of the project manager (Kerzner, 2009). Project planning The planning stage is the most important stage in a projects life cycle. The planning stage is when the aspects of the plan will be laid out on the table. The actual work to accomplish, the quality and quantity of work, and the resource needs to define. A plan of action will be put into place that will include the scheduling of all activities, the budget, the time, and the objectives. Once the plan is put into place, an evaluation of all the risks can be accomplished to ensure the project will be a success (Kerzner, 2009). Project execution The execution stage is when the project work actually starts. During this stage is when the project manager will negotiate for the project team members he or she will need for the project. The project manager will also be directing and managing the work by holding meetings to ensure everyone understands what he or she is to do. The manager will also be working with the team members to help them improve on any process that is not working (Kerzner, 2009). Project monitoring and controlling The project monitoring and controlling phase is one of the critical steps in the process. During the monitoring and controlling phase, the project manager is tracking the progress of the project. In monitoring and controlling the project, the project manager will analyze the variances and know the impacts of the variances if something goes wrong or gets off track. By analyzing the variances and impacts, the project manager will be able to make adjustments if the need arises. Project monitoring and controlling also helps to compare actual outcomes to what the predicted outcome is (Kerzner, 2009). Monitoring and controlling a project will help the project manager see exactly what is going on and what needs fixing before a major crisis can begin. Project Closure The last phase of a project is the project closure. During this phase, the project manager will verify all the work has been completed within time, budget, and specifications the client requires. Once the client has approved the project, the contract will have closure, all financial aspects of the charge numbers will have closure, and all administrative paperwork will have closure (Kerzner, 2009). The project closure process will ensure the project is complete and no other issues will arise. Importance of Using Project Management An organization needs to stay competitive or it will not survive. When an organization initiates a project, project management needs to be in place to ensure several items are not forgotten. Project management helps to elevate barriers that may present itself during the project. Project management will help identify responsibilities to individuals to ensure all activities are accounted for, minimizes continuous reporting activities, identifies time limits, measures accomplishments against plans, can identify problems before the problems become too big to handle, helps with corrective actions of problems, and can improve estimating capabilities for future projects (Kerzner, 2009). Project management is a way for organizations to make sure their projects are on track and can be accomplished within the specifications, time, and budget. Without project management, the project may not even get off the ground, and if the project does start it may not finish at all. Conclusion A project is any task that meets certain criteria such as time, budget, and specific objectives. A project has a life cycle that includes five steps: project initiation, project planning, project execution, project monitoring and control, and project closure. Each step in the project life cycle is important to the success of the project in different ways. One needs to know what the project is, how to progress in the project, working on the project as a team, knowing what is happening during the project, and know when the project is complete. Without the use of project management, organizations may possible not survive in the world market because every day individual’s want new and better items to play with or have in their homes. Project management is an important part of any organizations, and by understanding what a project is, the organization will have an idea of what projects to complete to meet the objectives of the organization and the expectations of its clients.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Mental health case analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mental health case analysis - Assignment Example .......................................8 Signs..........................................................................................................8 Formulation of Intervention Strategy....................................................................9 Implementation and Interprofessional Elements of the Treatment.......................10 Evaluation and Monitoring of Solutions...............................................................11 Conclusion............................................................................................................12 References.............................................................................................................13 Appendix 1............................................................................................................15 Introduction This paper is based on a mental health scenario involving a patient, Kathy. In the scenario, it is apparent that Kathy is going through a mental health crises that has c aused her to resort to the following circumstances: 1. Disruptions in her family life 2. Disruptions in her work life 3. Emotional problems 4. Alcohol abuse 5. Social isolationism. These issues culminated after a series of incidents that occurred to her. She recently lost her mother and prior to her passing, she could not reconcile her differences with her. Due to this, she died without them making any substantial peace. This led to a serious depression which has created the effects listed in 1 to 5 above. This research attempts to diagnose Kathy's problems and prescribe a solution to it based on the framework of public health and mental health. In doing this, the following objectives will be addressed: 1. A critical review of literature relating to public health and mental health relevant to the issues at hand. 2. A discussion on how to diagnose and assess Kathy's problem based on the principles of mental and public health. 3. Formulation of a strategy to help Kathy to overcome her challenges. 4. Evaluation of the strategy and the interprofessional elements involved in solving Kathy's problems. Public Health and Mental Health as a Tool to the Issues The definition of the scope of mental health is not very simple (Simpson, 2009 p3). This is because mental health is something that comes as an abstract form of medical conditions. Its scope spans from behavioural disorders to mental functions as well as other emotional conditions (Tengland, 2001 p1). Due to this, it typically involves the work of numerous health professionals and has always been a kind of 'joint' discipline with numerous players. The responsibility for mental health and in a public health context revolves around psychologists, physicians/nurses/hospital staff and sociologists. Sociologists might be interested in the effect of a mental health situation on the wider society. The case under review, it is apparent that the mental health challenges of Kathy is affecting not only her as an individual, but her immediate family: her children, husband and her work as well as the wider society. As such, mental health is an issue that concerns sociologists and they have an interest in studying it to identify its scope and effect in order to provide the best framework to contain it. Psychologists have the technical responsibility of dealing with mental health cases. They have to tools and resources necessary to diagnose and deal with the mental related cases. Additionally, doctors often deal with complications related to mental health

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Anything related to radioactivity or the nucleus Essay

Anything related to radioactivity or the nucleus - Essay Example An apprehension also exists that the debris from the tsunami, which may be contaminated with radiation, is likely to spread towards the east of Japan and probably may reach the US west coast in about two to three years time. The main threat derives from the fact that radiation can be carried to other parts of the world through air as well as water. Evidence points to the possibility that marine organisms, migrating out of Japan Sea, may be exposed to radiation and these â€Å"might subsequently be harvested by US fishermen† (Buck & Upton p.2). Therefore, scientists suggest that the US authorities should keep monitoring the radiation levels in the seafood so harvested, or being imported from Japan. However, they find solace on the premise that any possible radiation in the sea water will get diluted quickly and will not be â€Å"a problem beyond the coast of Japan† (Buck & Upton p.2). Environmental pollution or contamination is a serious hazard and there is a rising need for creating awareness of this problem among the masses. This article deals with a current issue of highly significant nature and, therefore, is very relevant in the present day. The authors have clearly brought out the problem and its specific impacts on the environment and, therefore, information contained in this article is useful not only for scientists and environmentalists but also for the general public. The article further emphasizes the need for continued monitoring of radiation levels as a response measure to combat contamination. Thus, this article is a significant contribution to the field of environmental studies and can create awareness in the public about the problems radiation can cause to the environment. Buck, H, Eugene & Upton, F, Harold. Effects of Radiation from Fukushima Dai- ichi on the U.S. Marine Environment. Congressional Research Service. 2012. Web. 15 August 2012.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Careers in Psychology Essay Example for Free

Careers in Psychology Essay In Psychology there are so many different careers that have gained my interest because I love learning how people function, behave, and how the brain works. The first career that truly gained my full interest is Neuropsychologist. Neuropsychologists are the ones that explore not only the brain system but they also explore behavior and the relationship between the two. This is something that interests me more than I can put into words. One of the reasons I have so much interest in this type of career is because I myself have fetal alcohol syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as well as learning disorder. Being able to study the cognitive functions of the brain such as attention, language and memory I believe will eventually help me to understand more of my disabilities and how to work past them. A  Neuropsychologist is also able to evaluate people who have various types of nervous system disorders. They work closely with doctors including neurologists. Illnesses, injuries, and diseases of the brain and nervous system can affect the way a person feels, thinks, and behaves and some of the symptoms may call for a neuropsychologist. Those symptoms are memory difficulties, mood disturbances, learning difficulties as well as nervous system dysfunction. If other doctors are unable to identify the cause of a condition then they bring a neuropsychologist into help determine the diagnosis. In order to become a Neuropsychologist you have to obtain many different skills such as reading comprehension, active listening, critical thinking, social perceptiveness, complex problem solving, writing, speaking, science, active learning, judgement and decision making, instructing, service orientation, learning strategies, monitoring, system analysis, systems evaluation, time management, coordination and persuasion. Each and every one of these skills is just as important as one or the other. By having all these skills it will help To become successful in helping your clients. There is a lot of education involved in becoming an aspiring neuropsychologist. The first step is to earn a bachelors degree which is four years long, after that you complete a masters degree of another two years, then the last and final step is to earn a PHD or PsyD which can take another two to four years. So overall you are looking at spending 8-10 years in college if your heart is truly set on becoming a neuropsychologist. The duties and responsibilities of a neuropsychologist may vary depending on their specialties. Some Neuropsychologists, for instance work primarily as researchers. This might involve studying both healthy humans as well as animals, and those with brain injuries and or illnesses. Neuropsychologists might also work in clinical settings as well. This typically involves assessing and diagnosing patients. This can be done by observing symptoms and using sophisticated technology, such as brain scans. After successfully diagnosing a neurological problem, they can then often recommend a course of treatment which can include therapy, medication or even surgery. The neuropsychologists that are primarily concerned with research might work in private or government research facilities. Some universities might also hire  these professionals to conduct research as well as teac h a class or two. Clinical neuropsychologists might work in a number of different healthcare settings. This can include hospitals, clinics, and physicians offices. Some neuropsychologists might also choose to open private practices and treat patients in their offices or work as consultants. The second career in Psychology which really grabbed my attention more and more as I researched it and read what they do is Rehabilitation Psychologists. Rehabilitation psychologists work with stroke and accident victims and people with mental retardation and those with developmental disabilities caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy and autism. I once worked with a gentleman who had a severe case of cerebral palsy and could not do anything for himself. I was always helping him from the time he woke up in the morning to the time he laid down in bed at night. The sad thing is that from one day to the next I wasn’t sure if he was going to remember me or not. If he didn’t remember me then he would lock me out of his house and he wouldn’t let me back in so most of the time I had to crawl through a tiny window. I believe I would be very good as a Rehabilitation Psychologist for many different reasons. The first reason is that those with disabilities have a soft spot in my heart because I know what its like to be looked at differently for one and for two the willingness to work past the disability is outrageous. Some people with disabilities you cannot even tell they have one because they have learned how to work past it and not let it show. This type of career works closely with public health programs to prevent disabilities including those caused by violence and substance abuse. Rehabilitiation Psychologists testify in court as expert witnesses about the causes and effects of a disability and a persons rehabilitation needs. Rehabilitation Psychologists are uniquely trained and specialized to engage in a broad range of activities including clinical practice, consultation, program development, service provision, and teaching and education training, amongst many others. I am always looking out for everyone else and trying to figure out how I can help them or do something for them to make their lives a little easier on them. In order to become a Rehabilitation Psychologist  you need to have to same type of skills as you would if you were a Neuropsychologist as well as the same path of education. This goes for many of the careers in Psychology. As for where a Rehabilitation Psychologist can work, they can open up their ow n practices, work in healthcare facilities, or in government buildings.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Adolf Hitler :: Biographies Biographical Essays

Adolf Hitler 1.The Beginning At half past six on the evening of April 20th, 1889 a child was born in the small town of Branau, Austria. The name of the child was Adolf Hitler. He was the son a Customs official Alois Hitler, and his third wife Klara. As a young boy Adolf attendated church regulary and sang in the local choir. One day he carved a symbol into the bench which resembled the Swastika he later used as the symbol of the Nazi party. He was a pretty good student. He received good marks in most of his classes. However in his last year of school he failed German and Mathematics, and only succeeded in Gym and Drawing. He drooped out of school at the age of 16, spending a total of 10 years in school. From childhood one it was his dream to become an artist or architect. He was not a bad artist, as his surviving paintings and drawings show but he never showed any originality or creative imagination. To fullfil his dream he had moved to Vienna the capital of Austria where the Academy of arts was located. He failed the first time he tried to get admission and in the next year, 1907 he tried again and was very sure of success. To his surprise he failed again. In fact the Dean of the academy was not very impressed with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot the rejection he received in the dean's office that day. Many Historians like to speculate what would have happened IF.... perhaps the small town boy would have had a bit more talent....or IF the Dean had been a little less critical, the world might have been spared the nightmare into which this boy was eventually to plunge it. 2.World War 1 While living in Vienna Hitler he made his living by drawing small pictures of famous landmarks which he sold as post cards. But he was always poor. He was also a regular reader of a small paper which claimed that the Araban race was superior to all and was destined to rule the world.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Great Filipino Music Artists (80’s †Present) Essay

Basil Valdez Like many Filipino singers in the 1970s, Valdez started solo on his career as a folk singer. In 1972, he joined the Circus Band and after it was disbanded, he released Ngayon at Kailanman, his first solo album. In the Circus Band, he met Ryan Cayabyab, who was then part of other band. When Valdez was preparing his album Ngayon at Kailanman, he asked Cayabyab to give a few songs, he did. Cayabyab stands as Valdez’s musical director for 27 years. In the 80’s, Valdez republished himself as a singer of movie theme songs; some of them are â€Å"Paano Ba Ang Mangarap,† â€Å"Muling Buksan Ang Puso† and â€Å"Paraisong Parisukat.† A circumstance which sidelined his singing career occurred in 1990, when he found himself as a â€Å"healer†. Valdez then sought the guidance of his Jesuit friends. They explained to him that he has gift of healing. Ryan Cayabyab A great Filipino music artist known as the Executive and Artistic Director of the defunct San Miguel Foundation for the Performing Arts. He was also a resident judge for the solo season of Philippine Idol in 2006. A versatile artist with his works ranging from commissioned full-length ballets, theater musicals, choral pieces, a Mass set to unaccompanied chorus/congregation, and orchestral pieces, to commercial recordings of popular music, film scores and television specials. Cayayab’s current project includes the Ryan Cayabyab Singers (RCS), a group of seven young adult singers comparable like his group Smokey Mountain in the early ’90s. After FreemantleMedia decided not to renew the Philippine Idol franchise, Cayabyab decided to transfer to rival show Pinoy Dream Academy (Season 2), replacing Jim Paredes as the show’s headmaster. PDA 2 started on June 14, 2008. Nonoy Zuà ±iga Nonoy Z’s singing career spans more than 3 decades; as a folksinger from 1971 to 1975 and then as one of the lead singers of the Family Birth Control Band  which performed in the best nightspots and hotels like Philippine Plaza, Holiday Inn and the Manila Hotel from 1975-1980. To hone his skill, he took special voice training from the late Aurelio Estanislao, a well-known tenor singer and music-voice professor at the University of the Philippines. With his clear baritone voice he started to attract the attention of music buffs. His style and rendition of different songs especially love songs made him acquire a number of distinct awards, Bayang Barrios Lumad origin, born on June 12, 1986. A Filipino musician who hails from Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, and is known for her use of indigenous instruments and styles. In 2005, Barrios’ song Isipin Mo Na Lang was used in end credits of the indie Filipino film Ang Pagdadalaga Ni Maximo Oliveros (The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros). In September 2008, she launched her fourth album entitled â€Å"Biyaya†. Ramon Jacinto Jacinto has always tried to put music and business together. He started to enter the world of entrepreneurship at the young age of 15. He built up his first enterprise called RJ Enterprises, a company which dealt with producing and release records. RJ Enterprises pioneered multi-track recording in the country and eventually became the primary studio choice for many artists and advertising agencies at that time. Two years later, Jacinto ventured to establish what would become a legendary radio station in the Philippine broadcasting industry – DZRJ. It served as a venue for on-air experiments of radio concepts which were never heard before in Philippine entertainment history. Manned by students, mostly coming from Jacinto’s high school class, the radio station introduced alternative music to the Filipino youth. It was the first station to play songs from rock legends such as the Beatles, the Ventures and the Beachboys. The radio station also gave emphasis on playing the music of local talent. Apart from DZRJ, Jacinto also established the now defunct, DZUW. Pepe Smith a Filipino singer-songwriter, drummer, and guitarist. More commonly known alternately as Joey Smith and Pepe Smith, he is an icon of original Filipino rock music or â€Å"Pinoy Rock†. Gary Valenciano Born 6 August 1964, better known as Gary Valenciano or Gary V., is a Filipino musician. Also known as Mr. Pure Energy, Valenciano has released 26 albums, and won the Awit Awards for â€Å"Best Male Performer† eleven times. In 1998, he became UNICEF Philippines first National Ambassador. His most notable songs include â€Å"Di Bale Na Lang† (â€Å"Never mind†), â€Å"Eto Na Naman† (â€Å"Here we go again†), â€Å"Sana Maulit Muli† (â€Å"Hope it repeats again†), â€Å"Natutulog Ba Ang Diyos?† (â€Å"Does God sleep†), â€Å"Gaya ng Dati† (â€Å"Just like before†), â€Å"Pasko Na, Sinta Ko† (â€Å"It’s Christmas already, my love†), and â€Å"Narito† (â€Å"Here†). He is currently part of ABS-CBN contract actors, and is frequently tapped to sing theme songs for the network’s soap operas and films. Fr. Eduardo Hontiveros Fr. Honti, as he is fondly known, was educated at the Capiz Elementary School and the pre-war Ateneo de Manila in Padre Faura, graduating from high school in 1939. From 1939 to 1945 he was at San Jose Seminary. He entered the Society of Jesus after the war in 1945, pronouncing first vows at Sacred Heart Novitiate in Novaliches in June 1947. He finished his studies of philosophy there and then proceeded to Ateneo de Zamboanga for his three-year regency, teaching religion, Latin, and English, and moderating the Choir String Band. In 1951, he traveled to the United States to study theology, and was ordained in 1954 by Francis Cardinal Spellman. After earning a doctorate in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, he returned to teach in the Philippines in 1958. He pronounced final vows in the Society of Jesus in 1960. Fr. Honti’s initiatives have been recognized with the Ateneo de Manila University’s Tanglaw ng Lahi Award (1976), the Asian Catholic Publishers’ â€Å"Outstanding Catholic Author† (1992), and the Papal award Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (2000), among many other awards and citations. He suffered another major stroke in early January 2008, and died  on January 15th. At his funeral Mass at the Ateneo’s Church of the Gesu, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was present to honor him with the Presidential Medal of Merit (awarded posthumously). Fr. Manoling Francisco Fr. Manoling Francisco SJ entered the Society of Jesus after second year in college in 1985. As a child he had aspired to be a concert pianist; nevertheless he decided to discontinue his classical piano training at the age of 14 to devote his time to school and socio-civic activities. It was in his First Year High that he composed Hindi Kita Malilimutan. has been popularized by Mr. Basil Valdez. During the past 17 years he has composed more than a hundred and fifty songs such as Tanging Yaman, Sa ‘Yo Lamang are being sung all over the country – indeed, whatever there are Filipinos gathered together in prayer and liturgical celebration. Today, he is easily one of the most gifted musicians in the country.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Considering Students Language Background On Higher...

Considering Students’ Language Background in Higher Education Assessment Outcomes: The Educational Testing Proficiency Profile The increasing popularity of assessments that measure students’ college-level knowledge and skills has been accompanied in the past decade by the incremental population of college students whose native language is not English or who speak English as a second language (ESL). Higher Education institutions are more often confronted with the task of considering language background when assessing students’ performance. Although the shifting demographics have become evident in the US, little research exists on outcomes derived of performance assessment of ESL students. The validity of such tests on non-native speakers as well as item analysis have been subject of minimal research. Considering the implications of college assessment outcomes, the importance of taking in account language background when applying these measures becomes significant. The challenge of maintaining equitability in higher education for all students has been impacted by the growing number of ESL stude nts from international an immigrant backgrounds. The ESL student population in colleges and universities may additionally be underestimated due to students who speak English and another language with the same proficiency or those who choose not to identify themselves as nonnative English speakers. Particularly concerning is the validity and equitability of assessment measuresShow MoreRelatedNo Child Left Behind Act Essay1646 Words   |  7 Pageswas based on the Elementary Secondary Education Act of 1965. The act was established based on the promise of Thomas Jefferson to create a free public education system in Virginia (Hammond, Kohn, Meier, Sizer Wood, 2004). The act is now reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The purpose of the No Child Left Behind Act was to make sure that children were given a fair, quality education. 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